
Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection

General planners

General planners Isle of Riems; Itten+Brechbühl AG, Rauh Damm Stiller Partner, Greifswald (D)


1st rank 2004



Start of construction


Start of operation


Floor area

78,000 m2

Construction volume

284,100 m3


Jan Bitter, Berlin
Rainer Mader, Schleiden
GRAF fisch design Bernhard Fischer, Wickede/Ruhr


Riems island near Greifswald, Germany

Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Construction of the new animal health research institute

Commissioner Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Direct comission 2004, 1. Rang
Planning / Construction 2005–2010
Services provided by IB
  • General Planning
General planning Generalplaner Insel Riems; Itten+Brechbühl AG, Rauh Damm Stiller Partner, Greifswald (DE)
Surface area 78'000 m2

Europe's most modern research institute for animal health has been situated on the island of Riems in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern since 2013. The deciding factor in awarding the contract to Itten+Brechbühl AG and Rauh Damm Stiller Partner (Greifswald) was their high level of expertise in security conditions up to Level BSL 4 (Biosafetylevel).

The complex, with a floor area of 67'490 sqm, is made up of a duplex building with a low structure for the stables and a slim three-storey block for the labs. The lab block, the existing structure intended for administration and the stables are connected via bridges.

The box-in-box principle isolates the areas with the infected animals and the safety labs. The transitions between the interior and exterior are secured to the highest technical standard.

Despite complex functional specifications, the building and work spaces are aesthetically appealing with individually tailored furnishing elements that promote retreat, efficiency, and communication.

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